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Laugh Out Loud Jokes

In sewing, “excess” is something you have no space for. Everything else is absolutely necessary.

I’m a fabricaholic on the road to recovery. Just kidding. I’m on the way to the fabric store.

My dream world? A place where the fabric is free and sewing make you thin.

Advice for new parents: never be upset if your child wakes you up at 2am. Soon you will wake up on your own to see if she is finally home.

Two youngsters talk through text messages.
He: “I would do anything for you! Brave the toughest hurricane, run through the worst fire!”
She: “You are so romantic! Do we go for a walk?”
He: “Nah, it’s raining.”

Wife to her husband:
“I am going to the neighbors to talk to my girlfriend for 5 minutes. There is a pot on the stove, stir it every half hour”

A man asks the trainer in a gym:
“I would like to impress my girlfriend, which machine should I use the most?”
“The bank machine”, comes the answer.

sewing machine parts funny image
Sewing Machine TNG

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