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Laugh Out Loud Jokes

A guy calls his doctor the day before the appointment:
“I would like to cancel tomorrow’s appointment please”
“We are sorry, a cancellation must be done at least three days in advance. There will be a $25 charge”
“Ok, can I reschedule it instead?”
“Yes, there is no charge for that.”
“Please reschedule it next week same day same time”
“Thank you. Can you please cancel the appointment for next week?”

Math – the only place when one can buy 64 melons and nobody asks why.

If you self diagnose on Google, don’t go to the doctor for a second opinion. Search Yahoo.

Good marriage seen by a man: “my wife and I have completely different opinions on a number of things and she is totally unaware of the fact”.

What women think BMW means: “Be My Wife!” What men think: “Brings Me Women”

A couple are on a date at a fancy restaurant. The woman tells the man to say something to her that will get her heart racing. He says, “I forgot my wallet.”

A husband and wife are drinking wine at home. The wife says, “I love you.” The husband asks if that is her or the wine talking. She replies, “It’s me talking to the wine.”

Don’t laugh at your girlfriend’s choices; you’re one of them.

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