“I want to get married and be happy!”
“Make up your mind please, one or the other?”
“Why did you start playing the piano?
“I could not put the beer glass on the violin.”
“Neighbor, how much to rent that accordion for a week?”
“You want to play?”
“No, I want to sleep.”
Husband: “Dear, you drive so fast I have to close my eyes at the curves!”.
“Me too”, says the wife.
Newest discovery of science: want to see flying saucers? Get married!
In a bar:
“Hey, you are on the phone for 30 minutes but you didn’t say two words!”.
“I have an argument with my girlfriend”.
“Do you have something to drink?”
“Something stronger?”
“Do you have problems with alcohol in the family?”
“Absolutely none. It’s enough for all.”
Wife texts husband: “I have arrived ok. After the fog lifts, I will tell you where”.