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Jokes for Your Sewing Breaks

I just spent two hours organizing my stockpile of fabric. I think I will reward myself with a trip to the fabric store.

Why couldn’t Santa convince the quilter to come to visit? he didn’t have enough backing.

I’m only hugging you to see if that fabric is wool or polyester.

People who sew are lucky; they’ve got a Singer in the house.

What did the quilter blame for having too many children? Reproduction fabric.

I count my salary in yards of fabric.

I might look like I’m listening to you but in my head, I’m sewing.

I’m not a hoarder, I just need a bigger sewing room.

I’m only hugging you to see if that fabric is wool or polyester.

Dear Lord, please let me come home before my online orders of fabric arrives. Or at least before my husband.

A clean house is a strong sign that the sewing machine is broken.

Q: How many types of sewing machine needles can you name?
A: Straight, pointy, broken, and ouch!

Claustrophobia is the fear of closed spaces. For example, when you go to the fabric store and you’re afraid it is closed.

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