A guy in New York went to a big bank and said he needed to talk to a loan officer. He wanted to travel to Italy for a month and needed a loan of $5,000 but it was an urgent matter and had no time to raise the cash.
The officer, of course, informed him that the bank required some form of collateral to grant a loan.
So, our friend pulled out the keys to a brand new Ferrari. The car was parked on the street in front of the bank. He also handed over the registration and insurance documents and signed all the paperwork to assign the car to the bank as collateral.
The officer accepted the car as collateral for the loan.
The bank president and his officers had a good laugh at the Italian who used a $350,000 Ferrari as collateral for a $5,000 loan. A bank employee drove the Ferrari and parked it in the bank’s underground garage.
Two weeks later, the guy returned sooner than expected, repaid the $5,000, and paid the interest amounting to $18.31.
The same officer asked him:
“Dear Sir, we are very pleased to have had you as a customer, but we are a bit confused. We did some background research on you and found out that you are a multi millionaire. What we are wondering is why you bothered to request a $5,000 loan.“
The guy’s response was short:
“Where else in New York can I find a place to park my Ferrari for two weeks for $18.31 and expect it to be there when I return?”
– My beautiful, my love, my life, where are you?
– In the bedroom, darling.
– Shut up, I’m looking for the dog.
– I am going to sleep; I love you. Good night!
– Me too.
– You love me too?
– I am also going to sleep.
iPhone user conversation in the age of the AI:
– Alexa, tell me the weather please.
– Who is “Alexa”?
– Sorry, I mean Siri, tell me the weather please.
– Why don’t you ask “Alexa” to tell you the weather?
Wife: “I don’t know how I married you. I was probably blind, deaf and crazy!”
Husband: “And see how many many diseases I cured you of?”
Phone call at 1am:
“Hi Mom! What are you doing?”
“I was sleeping, it’s 1am! What’s the emergency?”
“Mom, I was wondering, when I was born, I didn’t talk yet. How did you know my name was John?”