If you have read some of my articles you probably already know that I am not a Barbie lookalike. I was blessed with a good height, or lack thereof, nice hips (they came handy in childbirth), and enough other physical attributes to make it almost impossible for me to find ready-made clothes that fit. Stylish clothes that fit were clearly an impossible possibility! And since I am not a pop star, nor an acclaimed model, custom tailoring was never an option.

This is me: About me (ageberry.com)
What to do, what to do? Well, simple: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Case in point: get a sewing machine and sew! I have sewed so many outfits that in the end I had a dilemma: either I start liking to sew, or see it as a chore. Since I had to sew, I needed clothes, I chose to like it 🙂! And here I am.
Below is a collection of outfits that I created over time, in no particular order. Some of them don’t fit anymore, some I modified and transformed, some are so worn already that I had to repurpose the material. Some of them I donated to charity, and some of them I still have and I alter from time to time to fit my changing body.
I am presenting mostly garments that I have not written about on the site; I did write about some, and not all are in this gallery. I chose to present mostly images of outfits that I did not describe because the ones for which I do have tutorials (and patterns) can easily be found on my site SEWING PROJECTS (ageberry.com) and for most of them I also have either a pattern, or I describe how to draw a pattern for your own measurements.
What did I use for most of the garments below: I used commercial patterns, most of the time modified to fit me. I also used ideas from ready made clothes, then combined pieces of commercial patterns and modified them to adjust them to my measurements and style. I can not say that I have a clear modus operandi; I do whatever comes naturally, and whatever seems to be the right thing to do at that time.

I made mistakes too; these outfits do not fit my body at all! The gathered dress and the jeans skirt do nothing but emphasize stuff I would rather not show. I wrote about how to use clothes to hide stuff you want to hide and to emphasize stuff you want to show here How to dress well: flattering clothes that hide figure flaws and here How To Choose Flattering Clothes For A Big Stomach. In fact the articles were born as a direct result of these mistakes!

I can’t forget a wedding dress I made so many years ago that I really, really don’t even want to remember. But I think about dress fondly, even if I am sure it no longer fits!

And finally, let me end this list with some things that are difficult to place in any category, but which I like nevertheless.

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