How to thread a needle
Sewing tutorial
Threading a needle can be frustrating.
Here are some
to help make
threading a needle
If the thread is
NOT CUT WELL with fibers sticking out,
No Amount of Licking or smoothing helps
You Need To Make A Clean Cut
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Take the thread end from the spool. Ensure that the cut is
nice, clean and no fibers are coming apart.
Here is a special
needle threader.
They are really easy to use.
They are very handy
So How Do You Use One?
Slide a thin metal loop into the eye of the needle,
Place the thread into the loop and pull the threader out of the needle
If you don’t have these
handy threaders –
don’t worry,
There is
something else
you can use
Dental floss threaders
They are thin and flexible.
The action is similar.
Put the thread into the circular opening, stick the pointy end through the needle eye and pull.
Another Tip?
Real Self-threading Needles.
And This is Not a joke !
Just slip the thread into the groove at the top of the needle and push it down into the eye
or more
on threading
a hand sewing needle check the detailed tutorial on my site
Learn All The Tricks Here
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